Oct 5, 2010

Check it out guys, its the new 'in thing' to say instead of 'haha'

LOL, an abbreviation for laughing out loud,[1][2] or laugh out loud,[3] or sometimes lots of laughs,[citation needed] is a common element of Internet slang. It was used historically on Usenet but is now widespread in other forms of computer-mediated communication, and even face-to-face communication. It is one of many initialisms for expressing bodily reactions, in particular laughter, as text, including initialisms for more emphatic expressions of laughter such as LMAO[4] ("laughing my arse/ass off"), ROTFL[5][6][7][8] ("roll(ing) on the floor laughing") or ROFL[9] ("roll(ing) on [the] floor laughing"), and BWL ("bursting with laughter", above which there is "no greater compliment" according to technology columnist Larry Magid)[10]. Other unrelated expansions include the now mostly historical "lots of luck" or "lots of love" used in letter-writing.[11]


  1. I always love being on the cutting edge of internet lingo

  2. i actually use haha more often now compared to lol, thats crazy

  3. "lol" is annoying as fuck to me. always has been.

  4. lol this is old. Reminds me of 1999 ok gtg

  5. Actually, my friends and I have been using haha instead of lol more recently because it came up at a party we were all at. Someone brought up the topic of why we use lol when clearly we aren't laughing out loud, and if we find it funny, why don't we just say haha instead? It conveys the same message without misusing the acronym and is generally less irritating.

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  7. Cool post! You should check out my blog on easy ways to make money on the internet.

  8. I liked your perspective in this one... I'm going to have to agree with you

  9. I *almost* never use lol, it feels forced.
    Great post!

  10. My time machine is working! I'm back in 2004!

  11. lol it kinda rolls off the tongue

  12. I liked what you said on my blog earlier today... GTL and blogging FTW!

  13. Keep up the good work! If you like bubbles, check out my other blog, Enhanced by MS Paint!

  14. I just say hehe or haha, I hate people that use abbreviations too much!

  15. you've got some good insight in this post :)

  16. that's a unique perspective on it!

  17. how about "xD"? sounds kinda weird spoken though.

  18. I say 'heh'. just as meaningless in convo, but noone knows that.

  19. This has made me lol indeed! Followed ;)

  20. I've been privy to "haha" lately, don't know why, just what I've been employing.
