Oct 24, 2010


Does smoking make you feel cool still?
It used to at least. In my opinion it still does. Of course it shouldnt make you feel cool. But i see people elegantly flinging and petting their smokes as if its a way to portray style. They might be talking away about something important and, for effect, break the sentence to take a drag, carry on talking, then just after the punch line is made.. the exhale, with semi puckered lips.

I smoke cos im addicted and i like to highten the effect of my punchlines.


  1. Never been a fan of smoking in real life, but in the movies it could be done to make someone look cool.

  2. I'm 24 and I don't know how to smoke xD

  3. not as cool these days cause its killing you

  4. it seams cool at first, like your a rebel but once you get to college and everyone is 18+ its not a big deal

  5. I quit, 3 years.

    occasional cravings occur.

  6. I hate cigarettes, but to each their own.

  7. dunno if it makes you look cool. to be honest girls that smoke, at least, seem a bit disgusting to me :p

  8. Depends really, if you are in a suit with a silver cigarette case with a gold zippo you will look, COOL AS FUCK!

  9. I don't think it does make you look cool :(
    smoking is bad >.<

  10. it used to be cool then ppl were like o m g its killing ppl

  11. I'm a smoker and I think it doesn't. Just enjoying it. ^^

  12. I smoke only cause I'm addicted, wish I could quit but would probably wind up killing someone.

  13. lol tbh i don't find it cool, but i still do it

  14. Smoking makes me feel pretty stupid. Fortunately I don't smoke. Also smokers make me feel great about myself, my body odor suddenly smells great in comparison to theirs even on my most sweaty days because smokers smell terrible 24/7.
