Oct 28, 2010

Something Controversial?

I think anyone who goes to war deserves to die. I also think any family who lets their family go to war deserves to lose their loved one. Discuss...


  1. I'm gonna have to say no to that one. Nobody deserves to lose loved ones. Nobody who is serving their country deserves to die. each person has their own reasons for being in the military and to decided whether they deserve to live or die isn't a decision I am equipped to make due to the fact that I lack omniscience.

    Now if we were talking child molesters or people who cut you off in traffic, then yes. they can go to hell.

  2. War sucks, but I won't wish anything bad on anyone. Its their choice, and they should be prepared for the possible consequences.

  3. I don't believe anyone deserves do die, but i believe that any kind of war is pointless and retarded.

  4. No soldier deserves to die; even if they are involved in a dubious war like Iraq.

  5. people who smoke deserve to die

  6. hmmmm, i always get different opinions when i make that statment.
    but what amazes me most is the amount of people who are still fighting in wars today when its become common knowledge that its all corrupt. Specificaly the invasions in the middle east. If all soldiers in combat rolls decided today that they wouldnt fight any longer, what would happen?

  7. Wrong, they don't "deserve" to die
    BUT (assuming they signed up knowing fully what War implies) if they do die, it shouldn't be like they never had it coming.
    (for example, someone playing russian roulette doesn't "deserve" to lose, but if he does, he is the one to blame, not the gun nor the bullet.)

  8. Thats a pretty harsh point of view

  9. If they decided not to fight, they'd get court marshalled and go to jail. or get fined like a mofo. I think it counts as going AWOL.

  10. Soldiers need money.
    they know what will find there.

  11. sometimes people don't have a choice... not everyone is a beta phaggot

  12. It's never a shame to mourn those who lose their life defending our country.

    There are people, including you, that think differently of course.

  13. deserve to die? i dont know about that...

  14. war is the worst. PEACE LOVE AND HAPPINESS FOREVER!

  15. Nobody deserves to die. Some may think it, but the answer to questions like that remains to be seen.

  16. Those who declare the war deserve to die, not the ones who fight.

    Those who fight do it to protect their loved ones, at least, that's the sense of it anyway.

    War is so much more than just killing.

    And before you can say anything, I hate war. I wish people would just set their indifferent differences aside and just look at the world as a whole and stop trying to divide everything.

    But if someone comes to me, and say that he will take away everything I stand for, and get rid of my loved ones, you bet your ass I will do everything in my power to stop him. Even if as a last resort it will result in killing.

  17. that's a pretty shallow opinion though

  18. gonna have to disagree, no one deserves to die and if there weren't soldiers out there fighting voluntarily the government would be drafting people like us

  19. war is bad, but provides economic growth.

  20. I wanna go kick some butt. Lets get some headshots and drop some flashbangs!

  21. So the general idea is that im a cold hearted asshole :D i expected it, thanks for your opinions.
    i am in no way saying that defending your country from evils is stupid or that you deserve to die if you do. but the meaning of war today, is not about defending ones country, but to further the economical growth by slaughtering civilians in a foreign country. Yet through western propaganda, people are lead to believe that there are evils out there waiting to destroy our way of life at any given chance, and they must be crushed. this is the justification of war today. yet its now very obvious that it is not the reason.
    so, if i was to suddenly wake up and discover myself in a combat roll in the us army, i think i would rather suffer deserter consequences than die fighting for a lie.
    there is a three part BBC documetary stringing together the events of the last 70 years from the two most influential factions of the current wars in the middle east. they are documented objectively and not sensationalized like many docos can do. but they strengthen me idea. each are 1 hour long. they are worth watching. the first is here:
